Horizon 2020
The Commission has also opened a Horizon 2020 Call for the areas of Mobility for Growth, Green Vehicles and Automated Road Transport for a total of EUR 162 million.
Under the heading Mobility for Growth, the Call includes
- Structuring R&I towards zero emission waterborne transport LC-MG-1-11-2019
- Ship emission control scenarios, marine environmental impact and mitigation MG-BG-02-2019
- Retrofit Solutions and Next generation propulsion for Waterborne Transport LC-MG-1-8-2019
- (Upgrading transport infrastructure in order to monitor noise and emissions LC-MG-1-10 )
- Moving freight by Water: Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovative Vessels
for the maritime transport sector MG-2-6-2019
The deadline to submit single or two stage proposals for all calls is 25 April 2019.
More information here.
CEF Transport Call for 2019
The European Commission has published the CEF Transport Call for 2019, which has a budget of EUR 65 million for works and studies on the comprehensive network, including inland waterways, connections to and the development of maritime ports (Core ports are not eligible for this Call).
The submission period will open on 8 January 2019 and deadline for submission is on 24 April 2019.
For Inland waterways, the focus is on the following:
Support is aimed at preparing strategic investments on cross-border inland waterways projects, in line with the Naiades II policy framework adopted by the Commission on 10 September 2013.
Actions shall concern one or more infrastructure improvements on cross-border sections as follows
- Upgrade of waterways in order to achieve stable or improved navigation conditions and/or more capacity for the passage of vessels
- Creation of new waterways; – Construction/upgrading/modernisation of locks (including the deployment of remote control systems), to improve the passage of vessels and pushed convoys; –
- Increasing of under-bridge clearance; – Facilities for ice-breaking, hydrological services and dredging to ensure year-round navigability;
- Creation and/or upgrade of infrastructure for mooring and waterborne operations along a waterway.
Studies and/or works concerning inland ports shall not be financed under this priority.
For maritime ports, the focus is on the following infrastructure improvements:
- hinterland connections to the TEN-T Comprehensive Network (rail, inland waterway, or road if other hinterland connections are not an option), with adequate capacity and efficiency, including digital solutions to improve connectivity, and the infrastructure necessary for transport operations within the port area;
- ports infrastructure, including safety, security and checks equipment and facilities;
- port access aiming at providing safe maritime access in the form of breakwaters, access channels, locks and navigational aids;
- reception facilities for oil and other waste, including residues from exhaust gas cleaning systems, to meet environmental requirements;
- implementation of new facilities and technologies regarding provision and use of alternative fuels or energy, e.g. LNG bunkering, shoreside electricity, etc., excluding any pilot actions.
Support will not be granted to Actions related to:
- construction and expansion of terminals as well as superstructure;
- maintenance;
- dedicated infrastructure and facilities for cruise ships.
More information here.
The Commission is organizing a virtual information day on 17 January. If you want to participate, you will have to register once the registrations are open.